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Fleming’s Steakhouse, Walnut Creek CA

Spurred by discussion on our Facebook page, we went to Fleming’s tonight.  We joined some friends, and besides good conversation, we got to enjoy their food vicariously and can now share it with you!

We started at a comfortable table, however the lighting was dark and we were unable to take pictures of anything.  Fortunately, management was more than accommodating and happily and swiftly moved us to another table, where we were able to take the pictures you see below.  Even the server’s assistant (we believe his name was Daniel) was pleasant in assisting us.

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bread and two flavored butters

The starter bread was a nice ease into the flavors of the night.  It came with two well concepted butters: roasted tomato, and feta chardonnay.  The bread itself was sourdough, great in flavor and texture.

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lobster tempura

Our first appetizer was lobster tempura.  Hot, fresh, perfectly cooked, buttery, still juicy, with a killer soy ginger dipping sauce, and arugula, carrot, jicama salad, this is something we will definitely order again.  It was so good, Zach wanted to gnaw on the leftover tail, and he sopped up the leftover sauce with bread.

baked brie in puffed pastry with candied walnuts and apples

baked brie in puffed pastry with candied walnuts and apples

Zach surprised himself by liking the brie.  What helped was the apple came two ways: fresh, thin slices of Gala, and finely cubed and baked inside the pastry with the brie.  Texture and flavor-wise, the candied walnuts complimented the fruit and cheese.  August will be asking Zach to recreate this at home.

fleming's take on a caesar

fleming’s take on a caesar

Instead of crouton, crustini.  Instead of grilled chicken, prosciutto.  And in addition, fried capers!  Of course there was the requisite Parmesan cheese and romaine lettuce, and the dressing was well balanced with anchovy, garlic, and vinegar.  This is a take on a Caesar that we would readily take on again.

fleming's potatoes

fleming’s potatoes

Fleming’s version of scalloped potatoes is layered with cream, jalapeños, and cheddar cheese.  It was flavorful and not too spicy, and the crispy cheese layer that topped it off was deliciously browned.  Don’t be afraid of the jalapeños, as this was a table favorite, even for those who don’t usually do spicy.

grilled asparagus

grilled asparagus

One of our friends loves asparagus.  Her steak came with it, but she ordered an additional side.  She said these were great, with a sauce of olive oil, salt, roasted red peppers, and stone ground mustard.  The asparagus was tender, but still had snap.  And readers, if you didn’t know it, there is an Asparagus Festival coming up in April!  We have it and other events listed here.

chipotle cheddar macaroni and cheese

chipotle cheddar macaroni and cheese

This was “the best macaroni and cheese” one of our friends had “ever had,” and normally she avoids mac n’ cheese at all costs.  Creamy, cheesy, smoky, with perfectly cooked leeks, the cavatappi pasta was overflowing with richness.  This is something we look forward to getting every time we come.

porcini-rubbed filet mignon with creamy gorgonzola sauce

porcini-rubbed filet mignon with creamy gorgonzola sauce

August was in love with her center-cut filet mignon.  The gorgonzola sauce was what made it so good.  The meat was of excellent quality, yes, but often it’s the extras that make a dish special.  She was sad to see an empty plate when she was done.

petite filet oscar style

petite filet oscar style

Zach loves Oscar style almost every time he gets a steak.  It’s kind of like his litmus test when going to steakhouses, and Fleming’s passes.  The steak was cooked to his desired temperature (everyone at the table was happy with their meats’ done-ness, actually) with a nice sear around the tender inside.  There was a good amount of fresh lump crab, and the Béarnaise sauce was tangy and lush.  Tarragon (a key element for Béarnaise) has a tendency to be a strong flavor, but it wasn’t overpowering in this dish.

All of us were too stuffed for dessert, but we made room for the delightful chocolate truffles that were brought out to us.  Management and service were impeccable and went well above our expectations in terms of taking care of us and our requests.  Our waiter was jovial and confident and helped make our experience a joy.  There are Fleming’s all over the country, so find your nearest one and hopefully you will have as great a time as we did.

Turkey Meatloaf, Blue Cheese Mashed Potatoes, Mushroom Gravy, and Steamed Broccoli

turkey meatloaf, blue cheese mashed potatoes, mushroom gravy, and steamed broccoli

turkey meatloaf, blue cheese mashed potatoes, mushroom gravy, and steamed broccoli

Meatloaf in Zach’s house growing up was a mix of beef, pork, and veal.  That’s great, but nowadays we’re trying to make smarter decisions about our health.  Tonight’s recipe features Jennie-O lean ground turkey; sure, you could get extra lean, but you still want a moist meatloaf, not a dry meat sponge.

Makes 4-5 servings

• For the meatloaf:

20 oz. Jennie-O lean ground turkey

1 medium-sized carrot

1/2 white onion

1/4 cup plain bread crumbs

1/4 cup tomato puree

1 egg

2 tbs. grated Parmesan cheese

2 garlic cloves

1 tsp. Sriracha sauce

1/2 tsp. freshly cracked black pepper

1/2 tsp. dried thyme

1/4 cup ketchup

1 tsp. Kosher salt

1 tsp. butter

1/2 tsp. Worcestershire sauce

Pam spray

Preheat oven to 325 degrees F.  Chop carrot and onion in smaller, more manageable pieces.  Put garlic, thyme, carrot and onion chunks in a food processor, and pulse until finely chopped.  Saute in a pan with butter over medium heat for 5-7 minutes until mixture is slightly softened.  Set aside to cool.

In a large mixing bowl, add turkey, bread crumbs, tomato puree, egg, cheese, Sriracha sauce, pepper, salt, and the cooled sauteed vegetables.  Mix until well blended, but don’t overwork the meat.

Spray a cookie sheet with Pam.  Form the meat mixture into an evenly-shaped loaf or log, and place on the cookie sheet.  Mix ketchup and Worcestershire sauce together, and coat the sides and top of the loaf.  Bake for 1 hour 20 minutes, with a baking dish full of water sitting on the rack below to help keep meatloaf moist and prevent cracking.  Let rest before slicing, about 8 minutes.

• For the mashed potatoes:

1 large pot of salted water

5 large red potatoes

1/2 cup fat-free milk (more or less, depending on how thick you like your potatoes)

3 tbs. Litehouse Big Bleu dressing

1 tbs. Litehouse bleu cheese crumbles

1 tsp. freshly cracked black pepper

1 tsp. garlic powder

Salt to taste, but potatoes take a lot to salt

Boil potatoes in the salted water on medium-low to medium heat until soft and tender.  Drain, then combine all ingredients with a hand mixer or KitchenAid.  Scrape down the sides of the bowls a couple of times to make sure all ingredients are fully incorporated, and taste for desired saltiness.

• For the mushroom gravy:

12 large button mushrooms, quartered

1 can beef broth

1/4 cup white wine (in two quarters)

2 tbs. flour

2 tbs. butter (in 1 tbs. portions)

1 garlic clove

1/2 tsp. freshly cracked black pepper

2 green onion stalks

Combine all ingredients except mushrooms, 1/8 cup wine, flour and butter in a small sauce pan to make a broth.  Reduce over medium heat for about 20 minutes, but remove the garlic and green onion after 10 minutes.

In a medium-sized saute pan, melt 1 tbs. butter over medium heat and saute the mushrooms for 7-10 minutes, until tender.  Add 1/8 cup wine half way through cooking time.

In a small saute pan, melt the other 1 tbs. butter over medium heat and add flour.  Cook until mixture is golden brown; this is called a roux.  Combine roux with reduced broth in the broth’s pan, and cook until it is thick enough to coat the back of a spoon (nappe).  Add mushrooms, cook for another 1-2 minutes to marry the flavors, and done.  Serve with steamed broccoli.

The Original Red Onion, Pinole CA

Red Onion just celebrated its one year anniversary for the Alameda location.  There is also a place in Vallejo, but Zach has come to the Pinole restaurant for many years and turned August onto it.  We wanted to share its awesomeness with you, but tonight, honestly we were amazed.  Zach appreciates other chefs and restauranteurs who work towards their craft and refresh their menus.  We had not been in for quite a few months, and although we weren’t expecting anything, were impressed that they’ve expanded the menu.

do you like dessert?

do you like dessert?

Walking up, you know what kind of a place you’re going into.  The smell outside is delirious, grabbing you by the nostrils and yanking you in.  Right inside is the dessert refrigerator.  With a pastry chef on staff supplying all locations, our own pastry chef Zach took note of the great assortment and quality.

marbled sweet potato crisps

marbled sweet potato crisps

A new item on the menu quickly caught our eye.  Marbled sweet potato crisps are sliced thin and cooked until the natural sugars caramelize, and they are divine.  They came out hot, fresh, and perfectly salted to balance the sweet, and were even delicious cold so we took home the leftovers.

chili cheese fries

chili cheese fries

Zach loves chili.  Being a chili cook-off winner himself he can be picky, and Red Onion passes his test.  He ordered the chili con carne cheddar cheese fries – REGULAR size – which is easily enough for three to four people (we can’t even imagine what a FULL size looks like!).  He orders these every time and he never finishes them because they’re so big, but he always wishes he could.  The fries come from the freezer, not fresh, but they’re always properly salted, fried to perfection, and crinkle cut (a nostalgic favorite).

garlic spinach mushroom burger

garlic spinach mushroom burger

For the main course, August ordered a sauteed spinach and mushroom burger, with the spinach and mushrooms cooked in a buttery garlic sauce.  It came with mayo, mustard, tomato, choice of fresh or grilled onions – she chose grilled, as they are always tender and sweet here.  She also added blue and Swiss cheese with Zach’s recommendation.  With the cheese next to the spinach (fresh and properly cleaned, thank you for no sand unlike another restaurant that kicked us out when we complained about copious sand in August’s spinach), it was like a creamy spinach garlic sauce with the already juicy burger.

western burger

western burger

Zach usually gets a Western burger or the Supreme, but tonight’s flip of the coin resulted in the Western.  He got his onions grilled and added American cheese to the burger that already comes with lettuce, tomato, Bulls Eye barbeque sauce, and 1/4 lb. of bacon and beer-battered onion rings.  The burger is always juicy, never greasy, and seasoned well.  The bacon, quite abundant, is always crisp.  Whoever runs the grill, whenever we come in, is masterful.

they had more flavors of macaroons than listed

they had more flavors of macaroons than listed

This was the first time we got desserts here.  We always walked by and stared, sometimes lingering for a moment.  But for you, reader, tonight we had to pick some to take home and try.  The macaroons were beautiful and tasted as good as they looked.  We tried salted caramel, raspberry, lemon, and pistachio, all rich in their intended flavors and texturally delectable – crisp on the outside, and soft and chewy in the middle with smooth creamy filling.

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The carrot cake was beyond moist, decadent, and rich.  The frosting was creamy, the walnut chunks sizable, and the carrots fresh.  You couldn’t ask for a better carrot cake, even if Grandma was making it.

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August is wondering, “How have I never tried a chocolate Henny before?!”  At one point in her early life she said ganache was her favorite food, so it would only make sense that a matured palate would appreciate a grown-up ganache.  The cocoa nibs were big but not numerous, so many of the mousse bites had an uninterrupted texture.  The base was a light sponge cake, and the gilded chocolate on top was fanciful and unanticipated at a burger joint.

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Make sure to order your burgers cut in half – they are otherwise monstrous!  For example, if you add cheese, they will give you two slices!  And if you want to try the new stuffed potatoes, they give you two of those, also!  All the portions here are huge, so come with a friend or group to share or plan on bringing some home.  We are not complaining by any means, just preparing you so you don’t feel overwhelmed when they bring out your plate.  The non-hormonal beef patties are 1/3 lb., and they also offer Boca and Garden burgers, even for the Burger Mountain Challenge.  If you eat a minimum of five cheese patties you earn a spot on the wall, but 12 will get you a Red Onion t-shirt!  Don’t worry, there’s no time limit.  Between 3-5 pm, though, and only on school days, they offer student specials.  August appreciates that Red Onion looks out for the community in so many ways: supporting recreational childrens’ sports teams, discounts for students after school, and hiring dependable high school students.  There are too many reasons to love this restaurant.